September Update
Where do we possibly start when it comes to unpacking the last 6 months!? Golddigger Trust has been adapting to life in this new normal, which has left no charity, organisation or person unaffected in some way.
Upon reflection of a season of uncertainty, there have been glimmers of good news. Like most smaller-sized charities, we faced some tricky decisions to keep our heads above water. Motivated by how much our young people value us being there, we acted as fast as we could to put things in place so that we could continue 'meeting' with those accessing our services and continue promoting positive wellbeing and general health on the whole during the lockdown.
Whilst we've been continuing to offer almost all of our courses, mentoring sessions and workshops online , we've also been busy setting up our brand new booking system. This is a real game changer as we put more power back into the hands of young people and their families, allowing them to quickly and easily book directly onto any of our upcoming programmes. On top of this, young people can engage with us over social media - one example being our new YouTube channel where our team have filmed themselves doing all kinds of creative tutorials!
Take a look at what our online support looks like!
It's been an extremely difficult road for young people, with closures of schools and a lot of their regular meeting places, so being able to offer a video chat, provide access to our course material or set up fun online activities like book clubs, Minecraft games, stretch & move classes and 'craft-alongs' by our creative, adaptable and all-round brilliant team has been so much fun!
At long last, we are now opening our doors again for a limited number of sessions from this month onwards, following strict social distancing guidelines. Our online sessions will continue as planned for the foreseeable future and we will continue to monitor the best way to connect with young people as restrictions hopefully continue to ease.
Finally, our amazing supporters have once again gone above and beyond all expectations to raise a fantastic amount of money for us, through both individual donations and our GDT15 campaign. We’ve seen supporters climb the heights of multiple mountains from home, sewn thousands of face coverings; and ran, walked and danced huge volumes in aid of supporting us! We are enormously grateful to have such committed, creative and compassionate supporters, who enable us to continue doing what we love and helping transform young lives.