Our Wellbeing Cafe is open every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 3pm-6pm.

Mondays & Tuesdays - Year 7-9
Wednesdays & Thursdays - Year 10-13

Opening Monday 9th September

Our Wellbeing Cafe is open to all young people, whether they’ve been before or are brand new. Come along and join in with our fun/creative/engaging activities, connect with others and find your new favourite place to hang out!


  • Wellbeing Cafe is only for young people, so you can be brought by an adult, but they won't be able to come in and take part in things with you. There's lots of places for them to hang out nearby!

  • One of our team will welcome you and introduce you to what's going on that day. We'll take a couple of details from you (name, D.O.B and an emergency contact) and then you'll be welcome to take part in whatever takes your fancy!

  • Hot and cold drinks and cakes will be available to purchase if you would like to, but you are welcome to just show up! Water will be available.

  • You can come and stay for as long as you like, but most people would be with us for 60-90 minutes.

  • Absolutely! We would say they need to be the right age for the session that you are coming to, so do check that if they are in a different year to you.

  • Nope - you can just show up!