Other Options
Whilst we recognise that Golddigger Trust’s wellbeing support is unique and life changing, sometimes it’s not possible to support every young person, particularly those who may need access to specific support. Below there are a number of other trusted organisations across Sheffield and the UK who may be able to help and links to find out further information…
Kooth- Online counselling support and further advice for young people (commissioned by Sheffield CCG)
MAST- (Multi-Agency Support Teams) is part of Sheffield City Council's Children and Families Services, offering advice and support to families with a wide variety of support needs, including those with mental health and emotional wellbeing needs
Door43- Emotional, mental and sexual health support for 13-25 year olds provided by Sheffield Futures (based on Division Street in Sheffield City Centre)
Epic Friends- A website set up by Sheffield CAMHS and Sheffield Children’s hospital to offer advice on how to offer your friends support around their mental health and wellbeing.
SAYiT- Emotional wellbeing support for LGBT+ young people in Sheffield (including Fruitbowl and other activities for LGBT+ and questioning young people
The Corner- The Corner is Sheffield's young people's substance misuse service, providing support and treatment to young people under 18 in the Sheffield area who are experiencing problems with drugs and alcohol.
SYEDA (South Yorkshire Eating Disorders Association- Help for young people and adults with eating disorders, and their friends and family
YoungMinds- A national charity offering articles, resources and advice around mental health, and a parents/carers helpline for support and advice