Awards & Recognition
It is an honour to have been nominated and to have won a number of awards for Golddigger Trust's work over the years.
VAS Make A Difference Awards
We were delighted to win the ‘Health and Wellbeing’ Award at the 2018 VAS ‘Make A Difference’ Awards. The ‘Health and Wellbeing’ Award recognises organisations working to improve people’s health and well-being across the city, and celebrates Golddigger Trust’s impact on the lives of hundreds of young people each year.
If you click below, you can view the video shown at the event about the organisations short listed for this award, featuring our own Beth Stout, and the team from Sheffield Futures who were runners up:
Body Confidence Awards
Body Confidence AwardsIt was a complete honour to have been nominated and shorlisted for the 'Body Confidence Awards 2014', hosted by the All Party Parliamentary Group on Body Image and sponsored by Dove. Golddigger Trust came second in the 'Education in Schools and Colleges' Award, and Beth and Mandy were able to atten the awards ceremony at the House Of Commons, alongside fellow nominees including Gok Wan, ASOS, The Guardian and Paralypian Stef Ried, during the launch of Body Confidence Week by 'The Campaign For Body Confidence'. www.campaignforbodyconfidence.com
It was brilliant to be a finalist at the UK Sexual Health Awards 2015, nominated for our 'I'm The Girl I Want To Be' project. We were delighted to be nominated for "The Pamela Sheridan Award- recognising pioneering approaches to relationships, sex and wellbeing education" alongside some other great national projects. The UK Sexual Health Awards are hosted by 'Brook' and 'FPA', and recognise the work of professionals, educators, volunteers, young people, services, projects, programmes, campaigners, journalists, advertisers and scriptwriters- all who make a difference with their work in sexual health. www.brook.org.uk/uk-sexual-health-awards
The Christian Youth Work Awards
As a charity 'motivated by the Christian faith', we were delighted to win the award for 'Most Innovative Youthwork' at the National Christian Youth Work Awards 2013. Beth and Mandy were able to attend the awards ceremony in London in November 2013 to collect the award, which was awarded for the groundbreaking work that Golddigger Trust have done with young people who have been, or are at risk of being, sexually exploited, and our unique self-esteem based approach at combatting and supporting victims of this horrendous crime. www.youthworkawards.co.uk
We were particularly honoured to be invited back in 2014 for Beth to deliver the Keynote speech at the 2014 awards, honouring the excellent voluntary and professional youth work that is delivered across the UK by Christian based churches and organisations.