Getting back to a 'new normal'

September is now in full swing and while most of us are still working out where the last half of this year went, most young people are starting back at school or thinking about transitioning to work, college or university for the first time in months!

So what’s the secret formula to getting through the first few weird weeks back in ‘normal’ life. The answer, well we don’t have a definitive answer! But hopefully hearing from a few of our team and how they’ve been adapting to a ‘new normal’ in their own lives will help you…

Alice - Girls Project Team Coordinator

“I’m really excited that we can now give young people access to both ONLINE and IN PERSON support this term. For some, online support has been just what they have needed and for others getting back in the building and face to face has been a welcome return. 

Being flexible and adaptable is probably skills we have all had to develop or improve during this time - looking back and seeing what me and the team have achieved is a great way to encourage and be encouraged! We may not have got everything right but we’ve made it through, stayed connected (even if only in a small way for some - that's still amazing!), learnt and made some awesome things on the way!

I’m dealing with the changes by talking to the other guys here at Golddigger Trust, sharing my worries, my hopes and my dreams for this new school year. It's ok to feel different from those around you, sometimes things will feel good and other times you may feel uncertain. Take time to think about this, share how you feel for however long you need and then give yourself a treat or a break to get your mind off things for a while.”

James H - Made of More Project Coordinator

“My favourite thing has been being able to meet people face-to-face again!! I do enjoy a good chat over Zoom, but nothing beats being able to chat in person.

I'm curious and excited about the next few months. It's strange to plan when things might change at short notice, but I just want to get as much support to as many boys as possible! 

I'm not really a fan of wearing a face covering when I need to (mask + beard + glasses = uncomfortable James) but I like to know that I'm making things as safe as possible at this time.”

Kate - Senior Girls Worker

“One of my favourite quotes which has become apt again in this season is ‘nothing changes if nothing changes!’ Change is often difficult and something I know I struggle with. This season has been such a strange period of constant change and transition which is never easy. However, if nothing changed then we'd always stay in the same place...never moving forward!

Despite change feeling like such a constant at the moment I am grateful that with change there also comes hope! Hope for things to look different, hope to learn from the past and hope to move forward into new exciting things for the future! So as we look forward in to the coming months here at Golddigger Trust I am filled with hope for all of the new things to come. Knowing that with change comes possibility!

I hope that in this time you can also grasp onto hope that new things are coming...despite things ‘going back to normal’ feeling not very normal at all! There are new opportunities that come with new years, new schools, new colleges and studies! So keep on keeping on!”

James R - Communications Coordinator

“It’s always difficult to break a cycle and get into a new routine, whether it’s coming back from a VERY long summer holiday and back to school, to a new school or college/university… or whether it’s actually having to get dressed again in the morning to go to work!

We’re a very close, friendly team at Golddigger Trust, which is obviously great! But then it’s doubly difficult not to connect with people the way you’re used to for a long period of time. That can be really hard and that’s what I’ve looked forward to doing again.

The longer things go on in the same way, the more difficult it can feel to believe ‘things are never going to change’. But they will change! Take each day at a time, because there’s enough to think about in each day alone! Remember what you enjoyed doing in ‘normal life’ before the lockdown, and remember WHY you enjoyed doing it. Finally find something new to be thankful for each day - it could be very simple like your family, the weather or the food you’ve eaten, but gratitude will help to change your mindset from a longing one to a content one.”

naomi - Girls project worker

“I have realised during this time that I am not as comfortable with change as I had once thought. I know how well I work with a routine and with some things that feel ’normal’ or familiar in my day. It has been so important for me to try and work out a new routine and also factor in bits of my pre-covid routine which I can bring back into life now.

One of those things is my walk to work. Whilst the weather is good I have been grabbing opportunities to factor in fresh air, exercise and time by myself to reflect on how I am feeling and remember things I am thankful for. This has been such an important time for me to slow down and not get swept up in the busy-ness of life again.”

Joe - Boys project worker

“I don't think I know anyone who has not experienced some sort of change in their life at the moment. For myself not only has the COVID-19 pandemic brought about a completely new normal, but I also just got married and moved into a new role here at Golddigger Trust so there's no such thing as normal for me right now! I find times of change like this fascinating because I absolutely hate change and yet I find life incredibly dull and boring when nothing happens - I need drama in my life!

However, when there is so much change in our life, it can feel like nothing is going right - everything keeps going wrong (e.g. losing things, forgetting things you never forget, sleeping badly). It all happens at once and it can feel so frustrating - why can't it just be one thing at a time?! I just have to remind myself in these moments that it's ok. It's part of being human. The pandemic gave me time to reflect and I've realised that a 'normal' life doesn’t really exist, and that’s what makes it exciting! As frustrating as that can also be, learning to live - and maybe one day, live well - without the pressure of needing a ‘normal’ is one of the best things we can do for our wellbeing.” 

Hannah - Wellbeing Lead

“One of the words I have been trying to live by throughout this pandemic is EMBRACE - it's even written on my fridge! I'm not the best with change so trying to embrace the unknown and uncomfortable has been a daily task. From taking each day as it comes, trying not to plan in lots to avoid disappointment and ultimately being forced to slow down, these challenges remain something I continue to try and ‘embrace’.

I have decided to pay attention to my experience and response to this time as something UNIQUE as well as similar to others. I encourage you to notice those things that make you you, and try not to compare yourself to others. Your experiences and responses are valid. 

Returning back to a different normal leaves me continuing to EMBRACE the changing landscape, and recognising the things that I want to take with me into this new season and the things I choose to leave behind.

What have you learned that you can take with you?“

Want to let us know how you’re feeling? Check out our mentoring courses and book on to one here


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