Our Name…
The name ‘Golddigger Trust’ was designed specifically…
… To be memorable, challenging and, primarily, culturally relevant with those who access our projects (primarily young people aged 11-18), whilst giving us a tool to explain our organisation’s ethos and purpose.
As a self-esteem charity, we’re all about showing young people that they are valuable, like gold.
Although we can see the true value and worth of each individual young person, many struggle themselves to see their worth due to this value being buried under poor self esteem, negative circumstances, pressures, and times when they’ve been told that they are not good enough.
Our aim is to ‘dig out’ that gold, helping young people to realise their value, and to equip them to be able to both polish the gold inside (their talents and abilities) and to help to keep these talents from being hidden again.
Unearthing Value. Transforming Lives
Our tagline 'Unearthing Value. Transforming Lives' helps to explain the meaning of our name and our whole reason for existing. We have the privilege of seeing many lives truly turned around and transformed through our projects, and to see young people equipped and making positive life choices due to them understanding and recognising their true value, often for the first time.