We’ve Moved!

Hold the front page, Sheffield! Golddigger Trust has made a sensational move from Psalter Lane to their dazzling new home on Ecclesall Road: The Refinery, marking a brand-new chapter in the charity’s story.

For years, Golddigger Trust has championed the wellbeing of Sheffield’s youth, seeing thousands of lives transformed as they are equipped to make positive choices for themselves. But there is much more to be done, and with more young people eager to join, they’ve outgrown Psalter Lane.

Read the full first issue of the Golddigger Times below to find out more about The Refinery, where Golddigger Trust has relocated to…

Click the 'full screen' button in the top left to read the newspaper in full


When will you move?

We are currently aiming to move during the week commencing 22nd July. Because the team will be busy moving boxes, sorting, and setting up the new space, we will not have any youth work activities during this week, other than the final sessions of a couple of courses that have been running. We anticipate that we will also have limited access to our phone and email systems during this week.

We hope to have completed the move by the first week of August, when our Summer Wellbeing Workshops will launch. The Wellbeing Cafe will then launch in the first week of September.

When will I / my young person need to go to the new building?

From the first week of August, all activities will take place at the new building. Before then, please check on your booking confirmation email or with your course leader to check where your session will take place.

Can I come for a look around?

Our Summer Wellbeing Workshops are the perfect opportunity for young people to come and see the new space in action over the summer! From September, the Wellbeing Cafe will be open on the following days:

Monday & Tuesday 3-6pm: School years 7-9

Wednesday & Thursday 3-6pm: School years 10-13

If you are a supporter, we hope to host an open day soon so you can see The Refinery - keep an eye out on social media and our newsletter for more details.

What is a Wellbeing Cafe and who can come?

Located on the ground floor of The Refinery, the Wellbeing Cafe will offer young people a variety of engaging wellbeing activities which focus on heart, body, mind and soul. The Cafe aims to make accessing help even easier for young people as there is no need to pre-book.

The Cafe will cater specifically to different age groups, with school years 7-9 welcome on Monday & Tuesdays 3-6pm, and school years 10-13 welcome on Wednesdays & Thursdays 3-6pm.

Will there be food and drink at the Wellbeing Cafe?

Over the next few months we will be developing the food and drink for the cafe, getting young people's input on what sort of after school snacks they'd like on the menu. The cafe will take both card and cash payments.

Who will be at the Wellbeing Cafe?

The Wellbeing Cafe will be hosted by the same youth workers young people have got to know through our current Drop In, Wellbeing Workshops and courses. There also might be a few new faces as our team grows!

Do I need to book?

It depends what you'd like to get involved with! The Wellbeing Cafe doesn't require booking, young people are welcome to pop in during the opening hours whenever suits them. However, we will still require booking for our courses and our Summer Workshops.

Will I need to re-register?

If young people would like to join any of our courses, we do require a registration pack to be filled in. If you have already done this, there's no need to do it again. If you haven't filled one in yet, you can collect one at the Wellbeing Cafe from September. There's no need to complete a regsitratiion pack if you just want to attend Wellbeing Cafe.

Is there parking?

There is plenty of pay-and-display on street parking and private car parks nearby. The nearby Waitrose also has free 2-hour parking for customers.

What is the public transport like?

The Refinery is in a very central location. It is easily accessible by bus routes passing through Ecclesall Road, and by bus and tram routes going through the city centre (the nearest bus stop is just 80m away!). You can use the Travel South Yorkshire Journey Planner to plan your route, using "Wards Exchange, S11 8HW" as the destination.

Is there a charge to come to Golddigger Trust?

Unless otherwise stated, there is no charge for our term time activities or for the Wellbeing Cafe because we want to make sure that every young person can get the support they need. However, if you feel that you are able to make a donation to Golddigger Trust, we'd be very grateful. Golddigger Trust is a charity and relies on the generous donations of individuals and grant makers to fund the work that we do.

Can I volunteer?

Thank you so much for being willing to get involved! You can find all of our current volunteer roles, plus an application form, on our website here.